Lucas Milhaupt Diversity and inclusion

media coverage for commitment to diversity & inclusion

                             Lucas Milhaupt News Coverage

CUDAHY, Wis. – Lucas-Milhaupt Inc. is receiving positive news coverage about its commitments to diversity and inclusion through several Milwaukee media outlets.

CBS-58 News Anchor Natalie Shepherd visited the company’s Cudahy plant and compiled this feature as part of her “Everyday Heroes” series about people making positive impacts in the community:

BizTimes Milwaukee magazine published this article about the formation of Lucas-Milhaupt’s Diversity & Inclusion Employee Resource Group:

Lucas-Milhaupt Inc. President Rich Ballenger was interviewed on the Steve Scaffidi Show on WTMJ-AM 620 in August, 2021 (Recording no longer archived)

Lucas-Milhaupt Inc. President Rich Ballenger and National Accounts Manager Richaad Reed were both recently interviewed by Richie Burke from the GoGedders Podcast:




