111112/EN/Products/CDA-102.htmCDA 102CDA 102 is pure copper and often used for high temperature brazing applications. It is primarily used for brazing ferrous or nickel based alloys in a furnace for industries such as automotive, aerospace, or electrical. CDA 102 is also used where oxygen free copper material is required as it is second only to CDA 101 in oxygen and other residual limitations. Due to its extremely fluid nature, CDA 102 should only be used where tight clearances can be maintained.<p>Fuel rails, manifolds</p> <ul> <li>Economical</li> <li>Fast flow</li> <li>Oxygen free</li> </ul> 1981108319811083CopperCu99.95CDA 102CDA1021909/EN/Industry/Automotive.htmLucas Milhaupt helps automotive manufacturers prepare for the next wave of automotive technology with innovative brazing alloys and process improvements./Lucas/Industry-Buckets/Automotive.jpgAlloy FamilyAlloy TypeApplicationAvailabilityAWSBaseMaterialBrazingBrazing Temperature Range - CBrazing Temperature Range - FHeating MethodsIndustryAutomotiveIndustryPageInternationalStandardsMax Recommended Brazing Temp - CMax Recommended Brazing Temp - FOEMFormProductFamilyAlloy FamilyAlloy TypeAvailabilityAWSAMS: 4501, 4701AWS: BCu-3BaseMaterialFerrousNon-FerrousBrazingBrazing Temperature Range - CBrazing Temperature Range - FHeating MethodsIndustryAutomotiveIndustryPageInternationalStandardsMax Recommended Brazing Temp - CMax Recommended Brazing Temp - FOEMFormProductFamilyCustom SolutionsFiller Metals02021-01-13T09:33:25.65000
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CDA 102

Product Overview

CDA 102 is pure copper and often used for high temperature brazing applications. It is primarily used for brazing ferrous or nickel based alloys in a furnace for industries such as automotive, aerospace, or electrical. CDA 102 is also used where oxygen free copper material is required as it is second only to CDA 101 in oxygen and other residual limitations. Due to its extremely fluid nature, CDA 102 should only be used where tight clearances can be maintained.
  • Economical
  • Fast flow
  • Oxygen free
Industry Applications:

Fuel rails, manifolds

Product Specifications

Name:CDA 102
Nominal Composition:Copper 99.95,
Liquidus:1981 °F, 1083 °C
Solidus:1981 °F, 1083 °C
AWS:AMS: 4501, 4701, AWS: BCu-3

Related Industries



Lucas Milhaupt helps automotive manufacturers prepare for the next wave of automotive technology with innovative brazing alloys and process improvements.
